Amazing facts of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar

What are facts ?

Facts are amazing stories or amazing incidents which are known or may not known by the peoples.

First fact:

The state named as satara was the first state which came under doctrine of lapse.

Second fact:

Dr ambedkar did not pass his exam first time in matriculation but in second time he passed it in 1907 because of some problems he didn't give this exam in first time.

Third fact:

Ambedkar had two wives. Because his first wife mrs. Ramabai got died and he married Dr savita Bhimrao Ambedkar. 

 Forth fact:

He had two mothers first one was Bhimabai sakpal and second was jijabai. 

Fifth fact:

Her mothers 7 ( as I knew) children got died at an early age.

Sixth fact:

He brought his first  book by selling his gold chain .

Seventh fact:

His father'sjob was slip from his father's hand. When was only 3 or 4 years may be. Then they move from mhow to satara.

Eighth fact:

Dr Ambedkar had 32 degrees and he was pro skilled in 8 languages.

Ninth fact:

His mother died when he was only 4 or 5 years. And he didn't get wood for his 

Funeral works.

Tenth fact:

His big brother bala went out from his home forever at the age of 15 or 16 may be .

Eleventh fact:

He went columbia university in 1917 at the age of 22.

Twelvth fact:

Ambedkar's Educational degrees: University of Mumbai (BA), Columbia University (MA, PhD, LL.D.), London 
School of Economics (MSc, DSC), Gray's Inn (Barrister-at-Law)

Thirteenth fact:

Ambedkar's Political Party: Scheduled Caste Federation, Independent Labor Party, Republican Party of India.

Forteenth fact:

Dr. Ambedkar is the only Indian whose statue is attached to Karl Marx in the London Museum.

Fifteenth fact

He was married to ramabai  at the age of 9 .

Sixteenth fact:

He was the first dalit student take admission in Alfinston college.

Seventeenth fact:

He was declared as best scholar in world by Columbia University. 

Eighteenth fact:

Ambedkar played a key role in establishment of Reserve Bank of India in 1935.

Ninteenth fact:

The Mahad Satyagraha of 1927 was Ambedkar’s first important crusade.

Twenteenth fact:

Ambedkar changed the working hours in India from 14 hours to 8 hours.

Twenty first:
           A prophecy
An uncle of Baba Saheb's father was a great saint of that time. He had predicted at the time of the birth of the child Ambedkar that "Your son will become a very big man and make a name for himself in the whole world."

Today when we remember that prophecy, it comes to know that in reality what that great saint had said turned out to be true.

Baba Saheb had three elder brothers and two elder sisters. He was the youngest child in the house, so every member of the house used to 'love him a lot'. love

The religious atmosphere in the house was very peaceful. Because God was worshiped everyday in his house. At the time of Aarti, all the members of the house gathered together and worshiped the Lord, he was at the forefront of religious deeds.
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