What kind of amazing incidents?

I did not write any wrong incident in this blog i just wrote the truth you can see from these incidents how bheemrao ambedkar pass his hard and struggling time.

First incident:》》

When he first went to school he didn't allow to enter in class and study with other students in class and from this day his struggles started and in school he was not allowed to drink water from the pot of upper cast  people. He was only 4or 5 years at that time but after struggle he got the place in class and he drank water from that pot but not like same as upper cast  peoples drank. His guruji ambedkar guruji made a system of wood pipes from which he can drink water. One day when school was getting start at that time he lie on the gate entrance and because of this struggle he got the place in class. And he was very intelligent in his school days.

Second incident:》》

On one day when a goldsmith of uppercast came in their school he thought that bheemrao was a lower cast child how he be so intelligent and goldsmith wanted to rusticate bheem from the school but bheem did not fall he said to goldsmith,"you ask me 3 Questions if i will not able to give answer of any question then i will take rustication". When goldsmith ask 3 questions then he got every question's answer . From that time bheem continued his studies.  

Third incident of his life:》》

A sad time

Poverty is the biggest enemy of man. Then that boy. Imagine a person who is in the forefront of studies and a time comes on him that his father is unable to pay the high school fees, in such a situation his name may also be cut from the school……. High school exams will be in limbo.

Education was an integral part of that child's life. This was his meal. If his education is not complete then what will he do by living? This misery was being eaten inside the child.

The father was also trapped in the crisis of religion. He did not want to break his son's heart. But the work of money will be done by money only. If the fee is not deposited in the school, then the name of the son's name will be cut from school.

No money in the house. No lender.

Just remember the India of a hundred years ago, when the village did not see the form of a hundred note in the settlements. Daily life was carried on only on silver coins. Those coins also lived with some people. Father Bhimrao did not even have any ancestor's property, nor did he have any agriculture, which would work.

The sad father could not sleep through the night due to this worry, worrying about the future of the son was eating him inside.

So what to do? If you go, where do you go?

There was darkness all around at this point of life. There was no helper, no one was there to share sorrow. Only one God remained.

Waking up from four o'clock in the morning, he kept praying to his God that O Lord! I am not asking for anything for myself and will not ask you anything in future - you will be the only support to fulfill the feeling that I have in my mind to make the future of this innocent child bright.

With the help of oppressed oppressed, the mighty one, fulfill this wish of my son….this is what I am asking of you today. Just saying this, as soon as Bhimrao got up from the place of worship, his eyes fell on the brass plate lying in the house, which was kept by his grandfather.

Wow Lord! Your love is incomparable. A streak of laughter was drawn on his sad lips. At the same time, he picked up the parat and sold it to a shopkeeper in the village. The money he got from his son's fee

filled in the blanks.

In this way the crisis in his life was averted. Now all the burden has been removed from the father's mind. The son was also happy that his studies did not remain incomplete just for the sake of a few tugs of fees.

And it was even more joyful that day when the headmaster of the child Ramoji's name (vernacular) in high school added the word Ambedkar to his name with Ramoji's certificate because it is a tradition in Maharashtra that every person The name of his father must be added to the name of the person and also the caste. Since then his full name was written as Bhimrao Ramoji Ambedkar.

What could be more joyous to a father than that his son passed the high school examination with first division. Ramoji passed this examination in the year 1908.

Just imagine:

How many children would have passed high school at that time? At that time there was a new trend in this education system. Many children were afraid of going to school in the name of going to school, but the messiah of our poor's had full passion for education, after getting education, they could move forward.

This was probably the biggest reason behind this. That the child Bhimrao grew up and wanted to show the world something, the sparks of revolution were smoldering in his mind from a young age. The biggest reason for this was the polluted environment around them. Since childhood, he had been a victim of the hated eyes of the upper class, due to which his mind remained very sad. The same question repeatedly revolved in front of Bhimrao's eyes that why do people consider his family members as inferior?

Storm of hate

It was at that time that the messiah of our Dalits entered high school. This simple teenager of the village. When he came in the midst of new boys, he started feeling a new feeling of hatred. If classmates looked at him with hatred by calling him "untouchable", he would have felt this pain in his heart and at the same time would have got angry at his words. He starts thinking in his mind that

'After all, what do I lack in them?' 'I am the same as them'

'All the parts of my body are like them'

"I too have been worshiping the only God they can all be able to worship since childhood."

'Gita and Ramayana are recited daily in my house, which may not have happened in their house.' 

Then why do these people hate calling me an untouchable?

While I am also at the forefront of studies. Understand that the child Bhima used to be immersed in this thinking all the time, but nothing came to him. Darkness was increasing in life.

Radical brahmins and people who are called Hindus may not even know of any such thing as humanity. The God whom he used to worship in the morning, has he called anyone small or big?

On whose forehead his caste would have been written while taking birth from the mother's stomach. Everyone is born naked. Society puts the label of caste. Only the contractors of the society do the caste division.

'Who gave such a right? By thinking of this, the child Bhima would have gone mad, he would think again and again that

"Who should you ask the answer to all these questions?" "Who will answer his questions?

These people, who become the contractors of the society, who, on hearing the name of the word untouchable, turn their noses with hatred, they consider themselves to be elders.

Am... how crazy are people who make fun of nature too. It is useless to expect sympathy from such people. those who deceive God

Where will they leave the man?

That is why Bhima who started living away from the society of these people. There were so many wounds inside his mind that his pain took him in solitude.

He himself started hating all these people. Because of this, the flame of vengeance flared up in his body.

A promise

The flames of vengeance start burning in your heart. Its tenacity (flame) spreads far and wide and causes pain. Same was the condition of Bhima ji at that time.

Hate... Hate

Disgust... Disgust

He took the promise that I too would one day become a big man and prove that to become great, not casteism,


I have similar intelligence. I will rule over you one day on the strength of this intelligence and you will be compelled to believe on the same day that a creature becomes great not because of caste but because of intelligence. This determination can lead them to success.

"I want to be a big man."

Thinking of this, Bhima started his studies with a true heart. His only goal was to get higher education.

'I'll be a big man one day.'

'No one can stop me.'

'I will fell down the walls of this discrimination by becoming a big man.'

[Human to human brother-fodder

This is our message.]

Third incident:》》

An  incident  that  turned  out  to  be  an  accident

Not all people in the world are bad and not all people are sinners. Not everyone hates, some people love too.

A similar incident happened when our younger baba was going with his class teacher while getting wet in heavy rain. he was badly soaked at that time

Seeing Bhima getting soaked badly, Master Ji said, 'Bhima, you are very wet.'

Sir, the rain itself is so strong that it is very difficult to escape from it. Bhima knew very well that Master ji was a Brahmin by caste, so he was talking to Master ji only after a little fear.

Bhim !

Hey Master! 'Will you agree to one thing'

Why not, it is my duty. Your command is on my head's eyes!

you will fall ill because of these wet clothes. What are you saying this Master ji..... well How can I enter the house of a brahmin. what will the people of the society tell you?

Bhim ! You are my disciple. I am your teacher What could be a greater relationship than this? Man does not become great by caste, but by intelligence.

For the first time, Bhima's mind was filled with natural happiness, this happiness increased the most when he went to a Brahmin's house for the first time and the poor Brahmin gave him his torn dhoti to wear.

'You are really great, Masterji.'

Son! Great is not me, he is the Lord who gave birth to all of us. This huge world is running with the help of only him. We you are just puppets whose strings are tied in the hands of the one above. He can make us dance whatever he wants.

When Bhima heard such words from the mouth of Master ji, his health was pleased, perhaps he had met such a high caste man who taught everyone the lesson of love.

Otherwise, till date he had received nothing but hatred and hatred. A few words of love left such a deep impression on his mind that he fell at the feet of the Guru.