The biggest brother of bheemrao and the biggest son of ramji sakpaal. Who was he ?

His name is balarao sakpal he was of 8 or 9 years when ambedkar born. There is no exact birth date of balaram ramji sakpaal (his full name) because in that time no one  wrote dates of births and deaths and we know very few people know about balaram ramji sakpaal. Balarao ramji sakpaal did not do many great works so people knew very few about him but he also supported bheem's studies but his father Ramji Maloji Sakpal wanted that his every son and daughter became literate but balaram did not like studies so in his age of 15 he joined band or musicians and start earning for his family but ramji did not like this and he was very unhappy with balarao. That's why when balarao thought that his baba (father) was not happy with his work then he thought to left his home and he did this and left his home at one night after that he didn't back to home but one day he back to home and at that time his father was not unhappy with him because his father Ramji thought that this was the life of bala and he could do anything in his life. One the platform from where he was coming back to home he met a girl or widow of his age who was running and finding a place to save from the uppercast peoples because she was a widow and according to people widow had to remove all their hairs of head and live as a dead body in society. In ancient time widow's situation was very bad because they had to face many problems like hairs removal and practice called sati. In this practice women had to burn on his husbands funeral pyre this practice was banned in 1829 by raja ram mohan roy. Bala met that girl and took her to his home where the girl got to know that he(bala) and his family was of lower cast but that girl was not helped by anyone of uppercast but bheem and everyone helped her and taught her to fight in the world and in this time bala felt in love with that girl but the girl or widow already was in love with someone else and bheem and his family tried to make them live together ( the widow and her lover). And in this bala became very unhappy and he again left the home and never came back. He had developed his own mind and he started jalousie from bheem. That may be the reason why he didn't come back. But if he came back then he would not able  to go home.