Lesson which can be learned by Dr.B.R. Ambedkar's life

Lesson   which can   be  learned by   Dr.B.R. Ambedkar's   life 

first upon we have to know about his life if we want to behave like DR. B.R. Ambedkar can we ask a question to ourself? what we know about DR. B.R. Ambedkar?

I think we don’t know more thing about DR. B.R. Ambedkar but just don’t take tension I will tell you about their behavior and their life in my posts and my blogs so you need not to take any kind of tension when my blog is there.

Behavior of DR. B.R. Ambedkar?

First upon if he publish these kind of good and popular books then we can assume how intelligent and how wise he was but he  was  not only just wise but he was very faithful and he was very helpful he always helped people in their work and he always  followed rules and regulation he was the symbol of knowledge he always respected people. Because when we respect someone then we get respect from anyone. If we talk about the respect for women he always respected women and every person bigger than his age.

 He always thought about the problem in a different and a in right way which follows the rules and regulations and when he made constitution he always made  some process which do not disobey the fundamental and human rights of people and he was very kind hearted also we can assume it from the constitution because constitution do not contain any wrong fundamental law and right which disobey the people basic freedom.

He did not only thought about himself and this made them a great person in world. And he always thought about the poor and helpless people in India and in other countries. He did not practices any bad faith which were fully just the peoples imagination things.  He always thought that humanity is the best in world always think about humanity.

Humanity makes a person kind in world this will gain respect from other peoples. If I think people follow only some of  the habits of DR. B.R. Ambedkar then the world will develop in a great world.

The thoughts of ambedkar:=

appropriate definition of Mathura Dharma should be compatible with modern science. If religion does not live up to the test of science, then it becomes a matter of mockery or laughter. In this way its importance as principles of life is completely lost. In other words, if religion has to actually work, it must be based on intelligence or logic, which is another name for science.

Dr. Ambedkar

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