Higher education and marriage

Just imagine the year 1907, when a young man who passed matriculation was considered by the people to be of a small caste. At that time a young man passed his matriculation  Couldn't find it by searching. If any letter came to the village, one had to find an educated man to get it read. Was . Then the younger caste youths used to engage in the tales of landlords from childhood so that they could feed their families. What will they get from reading?

But Bhima was an intelligent child, he created such a name in his family, in his caste, which can be called extraordinary achievement. In fact, he was too little to be praised.

This was the first youth among the people of Bhima's class who had passed high school, that is why the people of that caste organized a ceremony to welcome this intelligent young man, which was presided over by the same C.S.K. Bhole did it. In this ceremony, the famous Marathi writer Krishna ji Arjun came to see such a young man. As soon as people welcomed Bhima, people were encouraging him. Similarly, some people were thinking about the marriage of this intelligent young man. Anyway, this practice was going on at that time. Here the boys did not set foot on the first floor of youth, preparations for marriage started, anyway, the practice of child marriage was going on at that time.

The condition of girls could have been said to be worse because the age of their marriage started from six to twelve years.

This practice was ready for Bhima as well. He was not in favor of getting married now as his life's goal was something else. His soul kept calling from inside all the time.

Bhima, you have come to this earth to do something. You will be the messiah of the poor and the afflicted.

Millions of unhappy, persecuted people at the hands of poor society

Looking towards.

You will reach fame one day on the sky.

Your destination is far away. Your job is difficult. Bhima wanted to run after hearing the voice of his soul.

But the people of his family probably could not understand his feelings, they were worried about Bhima's marriage more than his future. His result came to the fore when in 1907, he was married to Ramabai, the daughter of Bholu Palangkar. At that time, the child used to fulfill his duty to obey the orders of the parents. No one used to avoid talking to the parents. Therefore, this marriage was completed despite Bhima's wish.

Bhima was more infatuated with his higher education than marriage, but his father did not have enough money that he could take admission in the college further. Bhima could not suppress his feelings. in heart

that sound all the time

'Bhim go ahead'

'Bhim go ahead'

'Time is waiting for you.' 'Crores of sad people are watching your way.'

Get up get up.

All these voices were chasing Bhima all the time, but he was finding himself compelled and helpless from all sides.

He has to get education but seeing the condition of his father. He had to put a stone on his chest but the feelings were not crushed.

One day it came to Bhima's mind that in this small town his feelings are not fulfilled, so he will have to go to Bombay, he can get higher education only by going to Bombay.

But to go to Bombay, you must have some money. Rent will also apply. Where will this much money come from? Who will give him money? The condition of the house is already deteriorating, there is no use in asking at such a time. no one asking

Will get Rs. so now there is only one way left

It has been said that run away after stealing, what will happen later will be seen.


'Theft, that too in his house. This is the biggest sin. It shouldn't. Theft is a sin. Sin . He did not come to the earth to sin.'

Thinking of this, Bhima removed the idea of ​​stealing from his mind. Yes, he had heard from his mother in childhood that if something is asked from God with a sincere heart, then his wish is definitely fulfilled.

From that day onwards he started worshiping the Lord every day and prayed to him that O Lord! I do not ask you for wealth. Yes, I only ask for the boon of education. just give me  a favour, Please complete my education.

Time was passing in these sorrows. Bhima's mind started becoming very sad. Seeing the sadness of his young son, the heart of the father was also very sad. He knew very well that the reason for his sadness was only to get further education.

But where did he have enough money to send his son to Bombay and get him admitted in the college? What compulsion does not make a person do?

Seeing the condition of his son, the sorrow of the father wandering in the dark was increasing. The son, on the other hand, was praying to God everyday.

The struggle was going on from both the sides. The son was also sad all the time. Seeing his sadness, father's mind started to be more burdened. His friends were getting very sad seeing him so worried. Among his friends there was a very intelligent man named Kelaskur. When he saw his friend so sad, he asked one day - "Brother Ambedkar! What is the matter that you keep sitting silently all the time. Do you keep thinking something or the other?"

Brother! I have only one concern for which I do not think you have a solution, what good will I have, because I am a born pauper."

Oh Ramji, when you are my own best friend and brother, do not hide anything from me. You swear by your God. Who hides his mind.

Hearing Kelskar's words, Ramji was compelled to speak his mind. He clearly told his friend that I want to teach my son further in college because he also has the same desire but what to do, I have neither money nor any means. Now tell me what to do?

Just getting worried about such a thing. Yes, small for you but no less than a mountain for me.

Brother, how will it be if I can put an end to this worry of yours!

What can be a better job in this world than this?

Is. Ramji's face lit up with happiness as if he had received a reward.

Are you going to meet?

Look, brother Ramji, you go to the court of Maharaja Baroda tomorrow morning.

Brother, what are you saying?

"Where is Raja Bhoj and where is Kangla Teli"

See, Ramji, Maharaj is very kind hearted and helping the poor and downtrodden. When you put your son's problem in front of them, they will happily take the responsibility of your son's education.

If such is the case, friend, I will go to the Maharaja tomorrow morning itself. Maybe God will fulfill this wish of my son.

Of course, trust in God.

'Help from Maharaja Baroda

the very next morning, Ramji  worshiped and sought help for his son in the court of Maharaja Sawaji Rao Gaikkebard

I went and put all the problems of my son in front of him. The Maharaja listened to Ramji very carefully and said with great pleasure.

Look Ramji ! We understand how big storms are rising in your mind but never think about how your son is doing in studies.

Sir, don't worry about this thing. My son is the smartest one to read.

But in your caste, where are the people reading that your boy passed the tenth examination with good marks. This is really surprising. Looks like this boy will bring laurels to his caste.

This will be possible only, sir, if you help him.

Otherwise he will die by suffocation.

No… No, we will fully help that boy. We will arrange for his admission to the Elephanton College in Bombay. Along with this, he will also be given a monthly scholarship of Rs.25/-.

You are blessed sir! We will never forget your favour.

This is not a favor, Bhimrao is our duty. this money ever

didn't go with anyone. Only the actions of man go with him. You go and take 100 rupees from our cashier so that you can pay the admission fee of the college.

How happy he was when Bhimrao received 100 rupees in cash. This is about eighty years ago from today. A hundred rupees of that time will be equal to today's thousand. Bhimrao was very happy. While praying to the king in his heart, he reached home to his son, and told him the good news, Ambedkar danced with joy.

I will get admission in college. I will go to college. College.. College The whole house was dancing with joy and then

A new city, a new life has begun. Everyone in the family came to Bombay and started living.

The course of life changed as soon as I entered college. Like the boys of today, Bhimrao did not go to college to indulge or have fun. He had only one feeling in his mind.

You have to elevate yourself by getting education. To remove the sorrows of unhappy people. The destination was really far away. The road was also difficult.

Rent a room in a city like Bombay The family started living there. Two men could hardly sleep in that room during the night. The rest would sit and wait for their sleeping tern.

In the same room, our great ascetic Bhimrao ji used to read college books in the dark of night under the light of kerosene lamps. Despite all these difficulties, he had no lessons from his life.

It was the result of his hard work that he completed his B.A. Passed the exam of . All this was the result of his hard work.

But B.A. By passing, the poverty of the house could not be removed. The only hope of the family is that their children grow up and become the support of their old age. In this hope, they count every moment and cut it.

Bhima ji saw the situation in his house, understood that he left all his desires and joined the army so that his

The family should get bread with respect. Maharaja Baroda had great love for Bhimrao. theirs

By grace he did his B.A. passed to. He gave Bhimji the rank of lieutenant in his army.

He had not been able to do his 15-day job so far that the wire of his father's illness came from home. He loved his father more than life. This was the reason that he resigned from the army post and had to come back after leaving all this for only 15 days in the job. Afterwards 

The sacrifice he had made for the service of his father. Its example is also not found nowadays.

In his father's illness, he served him day and night.

But…… No, Prakriti had something else approved, which resulted in the death of her father on February 2, 1913.

on a trip to america

In this long path of life, both sorrow and happiness keep on moving. Sometimes sunshine, sometimes shade, this is life. It is also common practice that the one who has given birth protects this life.

Bhimrao suffered the most of his father's death because after the death of his mother, he found all the happiness in his father. After his death, he was left alone. He left the job but still kept thinking something for himself.

This was the result of his thinking that when Maharaja of Baroda wanted to send some talented students to America for higher education, Bhimrao also went and prayed to the Maharaja.

O lord! By your grace I have completed my B.A. So I have already passed, if you send me to America for higher education, then you will be very pleased.

Maharaja Baroda was very sympathetic to the poor.

Then his sharp eyes sensed that this boy had the spirit to move forward. By taking birth in the caste which people hate by calling them low, B.A. The talk of passing and then going to America did not come in the mind of the upper caste youths, this young man may be anything from birth but is intelligent by action, he thinks only of moving forward in life, so it should be considered high It is necessary to send abroad for education.

Just by the grace of Maharaj ji, our ascetic and hardworking youth reached America and started getting political science education at Columbia University. There he became friends with a Parsi youth.

While living in a country like America, he realized that there is no discrimination like the people there. No one hates anyone by considering them small. There was so much peace here. Everyone was living happily. Nothing called poverty was found in this country.

In 1915, Bhimrao did his MA from the same university. After getting his degree, he did his thesis there, whose theme was "Ancient Indian Commerce" (Ancient Indian Commerce) which was praised by all the examiners there.

Thus, in the history of his caste, he was the first youth to have obtained Ph.D. Earned his degree abroad. This young man, who gave a new twist to the history of India, proved that if poor children are given opportunities for education, they will go far ahead leaving behind the children of the rich.

As soon as Bhimrao said this to the Maharaja of Baroda, Saya ji When he got the information of success, he personally sent him a telegram of congratulation and sent his best wishes.

In America, this thesis became a topic of much discussion because he said that all the Indian policies of the British government are made keeping only the interests of the English industrialists in front, along with this thesis, this little boy of ours - Dr. BR. Ambedkar came in front of the world, which was discussed among foreign teachers as well.

Another creation

It was in the year 1966, when Dr. Ambedkar under the leadership of Goldenweiser, under the "Anthepalsy Seminar", "Cas in India" on Indian Civilization, Castes.

As soon as this article of Dr. Ambedkar was published, there

People got a lot of knowledge about Indian castes.

In fact, this article of Baba Saheb is a search of ancient history.

It was a complete squeeze. Racism from birth till today

Everything he wrote about humans was from America.

It was a surprise to the citizens. He made this

It has been clarified time and again in the article that any Hindu named

Caste was not there in earlier times. It is only after the society

are structures. We are all children of God, the only one in the world

caste is

That is mankind.

There is no bigger caste than this, then why is the question of this small or big, high and low caste being raised. Isn't this against God?

With these thoughts, he made his place in America. There it remained the subject of much discussion.

Ambedkar in London

This courageous and intelligent young man, who became the subject of discussion in Columbia University and made his name proud with India, had a feeling that he should now go to England. The society there should also be studied. Those who are ruling more than half of the world's population, their country must be seen.

It was in June 1916 when the sun was rising for the freedom struggle in India. The foundation of the Ghadar Party was laid on the basis that the British would liberate India.

He got this message from Maharaja Baroda that he should leave London and come back to India and fight for the independence of the country together with the Ghadar Party.

On the one hand, his incomplete education.

He was forced to choose this path out of these two that it was his duty to obey the Maharaja. By his grace, he has grown from an ordinary young man to a wise scholar today.

On August 21, 1947, Dr. Ambedkar had to leave his research work in the middle and return to India.

He had not only received education while living abroad, but along with it he had also studied deeply the society there. How fast the living standards of the people there were changing. When he got a chance to see all this closely, he also remembers his country and his countrymen, who were trapped in the quagmire of casteism, forgetting the interest of the country.

What will be the biggest caste that we are all Indians living in the country of India.

With this thought, he again entered his country.

Doing something is karma

This is from the year 1995.

When Dr. Saheb came back to India, the British had established their authority over the whole of India. There was a strange atmosphere in the whole country. Leaders like Gandhiji were preparing the Indian people to liberate the country. he gave a new slogan

"British evacuate India"

Unlike Mahatma Gandhi's fight for peace, the young revolutionaries had clearly said-

"Freedom is not gained by asking for it, but by snatching it."

This is in the year 1941 when a young Maratha who was a resident of district Pune. He came back to India with his revolutionaries. His name was Vishnu Pinghale. Many Sikh youths were also with him. These revolutionaries took Vishnu to Punjab.

It was only after going to Punjab that he made a new plan of revolution, which included mailing, looting the government treasury, buying every weapon. Those people had completed the preparations for the revolution that at the last moment someone betrayed and told everything about the British rulers. The rebellion broke out. About five thousand revolutionaries were captured.

On the other hand the Congress party was established. Everyone gathered on one platform and jumped into the fight for freedom.

Were . Everywhere there was the same slogan.

"Empty the Britishers India."

Bhimrao Ambedkar also wanted to jump in this freedom struggle, but his biggest problem was the Harijans of this country who were suffering from atrocities from the poor ages, who had fallen below the poverty line. Those who had to rub their nose in front of the landlords and governments for every grain of grain. He had to be abused. Had to pay interest on interest.

How will such people fight for freedom, who have no bread in their stomach, whose children used to die in agony due to hunger.

First you have to think about keeping them alive. First of all, those who demand freedom have to be kept alive. They have to think about filling their empty stomach.

When Bhimrao ji was about to return to Baroda, the Maharaja there ordered that people should reach the railway station to welcome him. But his orders were not followed because

Dr. Ambedkar belonged to the lower class. Not only this, he could not even get a place in any hotel in Baroda. Finally he had to stay in a Parsi inn.

How sad it is that such a great scholar was not welcomed just because he was born in a small caste, this has been the biggest misfortune of the people of India. That people summon human beings on the basis of caste.

This practice had drowned us and maybe even later

Lead our country to destruction.

Maharaja Baroda was a priest of human intelligence, he did not see a man on the basis of any caste, but only on the basis of intelligence. Considering Bhimrao's intellect, he had arranged for his education.

The Maharaja wanted to make him his finance minister but some

When the people protested openly, they appointed Bhimrao as their military secretary. But being a victim of misfortune and hatred, he

You could not get any happiness even by staying in office. apple people knew that he was born in a small caste. How can that caste rule over them? Even the water in whose hands those people consider it to be a sin.

He got non-cooperation from every lower employee due to which it became difficult for him to work there. He knew very well that these small minded people burn on the progress of others rather than on their own progress.

This voice used to arise again and again in his mind, Bhima, you shout and say that

It is not easy to become a scholar by taking birth in a small caste but

Being born in a high caste, having small thoughts is the biggest sin. When in the eyes of God there is no small big, then who has given you the right to call someone small. Oh fools! In fact you are small. you are the hater

Yes, who cannot understand human beings.

You are the biggest sinner, unrighteous….You are impure not by birth but by karma. An impure birth can become great by reading and writing at some point of time, but an impure man can never become intelligent.

Such thoughts were spreading like wild fire in Bhimrao ji's mind. He did not want to do injustice to anyone but could not see the injustice happening to anyone.



Now his mind had become very sad, the love that he had received in America and England, hatred kept him burning . His mind became so high. He decided not to live in this polluted environment.

It is better to die of honor than this life of humiliation. Due to a sad heart, he left Baroda. After resigning from the job of Raja, he came to Bombay.

To put out the fire of his mind, he started publishing a magazine called "Mook Nayak".

In the first issue of this magazine, he had told the home of Harijans and inequality of India, he had clearly written that before India became independent, efforts should be made to establish equality in economic, political, social and religious fields etc.

Then to london

Ambedkar's mind was so sad that he once again had to think of going back to London, although he needed ten thousand rupees to go there, out of which five thousand rupees were kept in his salary and the remaining five thousand rupees were kept by a friend of his. Borrowed from and made arrangements for the rest of the expenses by the Raja of Kolhapur. In this way the problem of expenditure was solved.

Then after reaching London, he started the work of completing his unfinished research work again.